Challenge 1: Sydney : Cake!

So, first challenge was Cake.  I made the ‘Lemon Sour Cream Cake’.

The Sumo was also baking (she’s on the “Procrastibaking” roster this week at Uni) so we baked this kitchen into the sweetest smelling place in Sydney.  It was so fun, adding ingredients, mixing and passing things to each other, all while listening to Adele.  She made it perfect and reminded me yet again how lucky I am to have a niece who has better taste in music than me.

So anyways, this was a super easy recipe to make.  I love how Edmonds has so few ingredients – such simple but perfect food.

I was again grateful for the Sumo’s crazy love of gadgets – her microplane made my life so easy this afternoon.

It turned out perfect.  Took a bit longer than expected in our oven – I think it’s a bit cooler at the lower temperatures.  I also used a silicone cake ‘tin’ which I never have before.  I’ve been trying to find a thrifted tin the right size but had to resort to Kmart in the end.  At $4 a pop, you can’t go too wrong.  So here it is.  On my thrifted 1970’s Australian made plate, on my thrifted table cloth, having just inhaled a piece of a sweet thrifted saucer cut with a gorgeous art deco thrifted knife.  Okay, so there’s a lot of thrifting going on!

It’s going to my pot luck lunch on Tuesday at work.  I’m afraid they are going to tease me like crazy because there’s a piece missing.  I had to try it.  It is the most moist, lemony delicious piece of happiness that ever graced my kitchen.  Seriously.  Note this one down next to Things-I’ll-Definitely-Make-Again.

Simona, by the way, made this crazy slice thing that Shaun’s mum makes.  It turned out perfect too.  Successful afternoon!

I propose that the next challenge be Meat Loaf.  Go on!

About edmondscookbookchallenge

Sisters in different countries sharing the same cookbook... we are making recipes from the book each week.

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